The Department for Criminal Matters is in charge of operations and tasks under the competence of the Supreme Public Prosecution in criminal cases, economic offences and misdemeanor offences, activities related to providing assistance to lower-instance public prosecution offices in certain cases, conducts instructional review of the performance of lower-instance public prosecution offices, prepares the proposal for the Work Schedule of the Department for Criminal Matter, mandatory instructions to the lower-instance prosecution offices, reports, provides analysis and information relevant to the work of the Department.
Public prosecutors assigned to the Department for Criminal Matters: Zorica Stojšić, Jasmina Kiurski, PhD, Tamara Mirović, Goran Ilić, PhD, Đorđe Ostojić, Nataša Krivokapić, and, when needed, Miljko Radisavljević.
Head of the Department for Criminal Matters: Zorica Stojšić
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