The Supreme Public Prosecution cooperates with the German Association for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Netherlands’ Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC), through successive regional EU projects that strengthen capacities for international cooperation and international legal assistance in the fight against transnational crime: IPA 2010. "The fight against organized crime and corruption: Strengthening the prosecutor's network", IPA 2014 "International criminal-legal cooperation: the prosecutor's network of the Western Balkans", IPA 2017 and IPA 2019 "The combat of serious crime in the Western Balkans", as well as through the project "The EU Support to the strengthening the fight against migrants smuggling and trafficking in human beings in the Western Balkans”, whose implementation currently takes place.
Within these projects, the support was provided to the Supreme Public Prosecution for strengthening international cooperation, including the signing and implementation of Memoranda of Cooperation with foreign partners and participation in the work of European judicial networks, such as Eurojust (EU Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation), EJN (European Judicial Network) and NADAL (Network of Prosecutors acting before the Supreme Courts of the EU).
Through these projects, the support was provided for drafting and publishing of the Prosecutorial Manual on acting in international legal assistance cases, and workshops were held on this topic.
Also, as part of these projects, an EU prosecutor was seconded to the Supreme Public Prosecution, who provided advisory assistance to the public prosecution of the Republic of Serbia on the implementation of the European standards in the area of international legal assistance. Likewise, the support was provided to the public prosecution of the Republic of Serbia for participation in bilateral and multilateral operational meetings and exchange of experiences and knowledge on regional workshops on current topics in the fight against serious and organized crime, such as human trafficking and smuggling, financial investigations, illegal trade in cultural goods, etc.
At the moment, the implementation of the project "EU Support to the strengthening the fight against migrants smuggling and trafficking in human beings in the Western Balkans” takes place.
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