Belgrade – Serbian experts in combating cybercrime have recently received great international recognition at the seat of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg as the Special Prosecutor for High-Tech Crime, Branko Stamenković, was elected as a member of the governing body of the Convention on Cybercrime, the only convention in the world which regulates how to combat this type of crime.
According to prosecutor Stamenković’s statement, at 11th session of the T-CY Committee of the Council of Europe for monitoring the implementation of the global Convention on Cybercrime, held from 17th to 18th June this year in Strasbourg, he was elected to the Bureau of this Committee. "This conference was attended by 80 countries. At the election for the new Bureau of the Committee, which is the governing body of this significant convention which sets the grounds for regulating the fight against cybercrime in the world, I was elected as the member of the Bureau, receiving large and strong support from the representatives of the countries which have ratified this document”, said Stamenković.
According to his statement, great support for the Serbian representative, whose term in office expires in June 2016, shows a high level of confidence that the international experts have in the Serbian experts who deal with the issue of cybercrime.
"This is a testament to all the effort we have invested in this area, both the representatives of the prosecutor’s office and the police and the courts as well”, Stamenković stated. Great support received by the Serbian representative, emphasises Stamenković, will enable, apart from more active involvement in the work of the Committee, greater involvement of Serbian experts in the countries of not only Europe, but of the rest of the world when it comes to preparing their authorities for combating this type of crime. "With this type of support and the importance that has been attributed to this, we may be content with what our authorities have achieved in this area so far”, Stamenković concluded.
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